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Tove H Twiford
2 months ago

Before WW ll, my family lost pretty much everything,, my Father was a Building contracter, build several home and businesses in Haderslev and surrounding area. We lost ourvlarge home in Aastrup and ended up in a 2 bedroom apartment across the railway station. April 9,, 1940,.we watched from a basement the German Soldier marching from the train to Storegade., scared the hell out of a 5 year old girl me. We could hear tanks fighting.. . I have never read that the soldiers were coming by train, of cause I haven't read everything

Roy Gooderson
a year ago

Hi I am writing a small booklet re:WW2 Blean area, i have seen an image on your site A gas decontamination party from of 167th Field Ambulance dress in protective clothing during a training exercise near Canterbury, Kent, UK on 10 August 1940. Original b/w image published by the Imperial War Museum..
Can i use this mage if state where it comes from?

Warmaster UK
a year ago

Hi Roy. Thanks for your message. I am very happy for you to use the image for your booklet.

Can I ask how you found my website?


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